Friday, October 15, 2010

Plans and Stuff

So, I have a comedy show Saturday. Actually, it's two shows (8pm and 10pm) a few hours away in Illinois. There is no hotel room. So after leaving the gig around midnight or so, I'm driving home. And my wife has decided we need to go furniture shopping early on Sunday (you know, instead of football).

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "But Daryl, how will this affect the Parliamentary elections coming up in Romania?" To which I say, "It won't, but just imagine the look on the opposition leader's face when I drive up in a brand new Ford Festiva!"

That's when I realize I might need to get my furnace checked for a carbon monoxide leak.

The point is, I have a gig tomorrow. It's very exciting.

I just hope I can manage to not sell any DVDs so that I barely break even.

If you're in Bloomington, IL tomorrow, be sure and stop by the Treehouse Lounge. You'll be glad you did.

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